teal flowers

Friday, July 17, 2009

Thank You Grandma Nan!!!

We LOVE Grandma Nan! With all her grandchildren she is still able to make them all feel loved and remembered and special. She sends letters in the mail to our kids, and in them she puts stickers and a note and sometimes she puts money! This happened yesterday and the kids were thrilled. They wanted to run out to the store and buy something. So we caved. Madalyn bought yet ANOTHER Barbie, and Corbin bought this thing that shoots water. He fell in love with this toy at Lake Lansing, it belonged to one of our friends and he was shooting everyone in sight. Oh well, thank you to a wonderful Grandma who knows how to have a long-distance relationship with her grandchildren. They love you! And they love getting your mail!


Rob and Tiff said...

Yay for grandmas! Those cute kids of yours sure are lucky.

Rebecca said...

Grandparents are the best thing ever!

Sarah C said...

Grandparents are wonderful. Your children look so happy.