Oh no! Please no! He had only been to school for ONE day! How could he have chicken pox? So I immediatley rushed upstairs and called Nate, and then the Pediatrician. Of course, neither one was available to chat. So I got online and tried to figure out what they were. Well, some of them kind of looked like the beginnings of chicken pox, but others not so much. They didn't look anything like a rach caused by poisonous plants either. So I called the Dr again and made an appointment. Luckily they could fit us in that very morning. But I had to cancel my playdate plans.
Oh and do you remember the milk and bread and butter I left out downstairs? Well it would have been nice if I had remembered them. They got left out for 2 hours while I was running around like a crazy person. In fact the kids found them and put them away in their toy kitchen which was pretty cute, and if I hadn't been so stressed out I would have taken a picture. They even put the milk in the play dishwasher :) So cute.
So we go to the Dr and she says that she thinks it is an allergic reaction to the pennicillin he's been on for more than a week for his strep throat. I was floored. He's allergic to pennicillin??? That's really annoying. I just hope I can remember to tell all the right people that now. Oh dear.
But at least it wasn't chicken pox! I was already starting to calculate how much money it was going to cost us to keep him home from school for 2 weeks. So I was very grateful for that. Here are some pictures from that morning and when we were at the Dr's office. I know the close ups aren't too good, I'm still learning how to work this camera :)
I wish you could have seen this in person. It looked much worse than the pictures convey.
This is the first place I noticed it. The spots go all the way up and around his arm. They also extend to his chest and back.

Hives, hives everywhere, and not a drop of Benadryl (ok so that isn't entirely true, I just wasn't sure I could give him any, it says on the box not to use it on chicken pox).

He looked so bad an miserable, the poor guy!

He did so good though. He only complained a tiny bit. And he still played happily the entire time. He called his hives "the spotsies". It was so cute. "When you are sick you have the spotsies right mom?" Love this kid!

Here we are at the office waiting for the results. This is also a great example of his silly rabbit smile.

Yay! It's not chicken pox! Wuhoo! We can all breathe a sigh of relief! I am also grateful to know at this point in his short life that he is allergic to pennicillin. Hives we can deal with. Anaphylactic shock? Not so much. I tell you it has been one difficult situation after another this week but the Lord has provided an easy way out every time. I am learning a lot.
This is the first place I noticed it. The spots go all the way up and around his arm. They also extend to his chest and back.
Hives, hives everywhere, and not a drop of Benadryl (ok so that isn't entirely true, I just wasn't sure I could give him any, it says on the box not to use it on chicken pox).
He looked so bad an miserable, the poor guy!
He did so good though. He only complained a tiny bit. And he still played happily the entire time. He called his hives "the spotsies". It was so cute. "When you are sick you have the spotsies right mom?" Love this kid!
Here we are at the office waiting for the results. This is also a great example of his silly rabbit smile.
Yay! It's not chicken pox! Wuhoo! We can all breathe a sigh of relief! I am also grateful to know at this point in his short life that he is allergic to pennicillin. Hives we can deal with. Anaphylactic shock? Not so much. I tell you it has been one difficult situation after another this week but the Lord has provided an easy way out every time. I am learning a lot.