He wanted to wear all Spiderman. It was the theme of the day.
He was so excited that he didn't even wait for Madalyn and I, he just started walking up to the school. It was a foggy morning, as you can see.
He was asking me something about the wall that I didn't understand, and I was trying to get him to look at me so we could take the picture. So this is what we ended up with.
This is going to be a frequent stop for us :)
He looks so grown up standing there.
He is so excited to start school! Poor Maddy was a little concerned. She wasn't sure what was happening.
Here is Corbin's class. He is on the middle right, behind a little boy's head. Sorry he moved when I was taking the picture.
One thing I love about Corbin is his ability to talk to anyone. Here he is trying to make a new friend! It warms my heart.
Good job listening and being attentive, now if only you could do that at home ;)
He is getting ready to walk in with his class. The teacher asked the kids to turn around and wave good-bye. She had to remind Corbin twice. He was so excited that he didn't want to have to turn around and say good-bye. At least he isn't crying and throwing a fit.
Yes I did get a little teary at this point. It was a big moment! I would have been remiss if I hadn't.
Maddy and I spent the morning shopping for things for her preschool that we are dong with some friends in the ward. Here she is checking out the bug superhighways while we wait to pick up Corbin from school.
Poor Miss Hill had her hands full trying to keep these excited kids from bolting to their excited parents. I couldn't wait to hear how his day went.
All he would tell me was that he loved it and he wants to play with the knight toy on Friday. Ikind of expected that though :)
The first thing he did was run up and give Madalyn a big hug and tell her that he missed her! How cute is that???
I just love these guys! They are so great together.
I asked for smiles and got growly faces. Go figure.
Then I got tiger claws to go with the growly faces! Raarrr!
All in all, he had a great time. I found out after school that he didn't listen at recess and got left outside with another class. We need to work on his listening skills. But no harm done. He passed his preschool initiation with flying colors :)
Hopefully Maddy is finding ways to entertain herself. Nice to have a little quiet huh?
I love all your commentary because I can totally see the way it all went down. I almost got teary there with the pic of him with his class!
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