teal flowers

Thursday, May 19, 2011

10 year reunion

It is hard to believe I am this old but I had my 10 year high school reunion. In true Keeley fashion I couldn't attend the reunion where I actually graduated. Oh no! After attending 3 different High Schools in 3 different states I decided the only reunion I wanted to attend was the school where I spent the most time and knew the people the best. So I went to New York! Go Blue Devils! It was great to see everyone, especially since I hadn't seen any of them since freshman year. It was amazing to see people who I remembered as little 14 yr olds who were now all adults. I had such a great time. I also had a great girl's weekend with two of my favorite girls in the world! My oldest and dearest friends: Aleta and Joleen! It was an amazing weekend, but I have had my fill of reunions. Wow! We are all grown up. What a great night!

This was my crush from 3rd-9th grade :) It was so funny to see him, and not awkward at all. It was great to catch up with everyone. (Can you tell it was seriously humid???)

Later we had a bonfire and smores. This happens to be an enormous strawberry flavored marshmallow.

Yum!!!! (I really like how my nails look here! Why can't they look that good all the time???)

There is nothing like a good bonfire. I was wishing my family was with me to enjoy it.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

So fun! I've missed every one of my reunions to date and really regret it. I'm glad you made it a priority and got there! Even if your family couldn't be there too.