Nathan had two weeks off the end of February so that he could prepare to take his 3rd Boards exam, however, he did not sign up in time to take the test in March and so he had 2 weeks to do whatever he wanted. So we decided to take a trip out to visit his family in Utah! Nathan's mom works at the church office building so we went over to visit her and show the kids Temple Square. Corbin took every photo opportunity to be a ninja.

I can see him in a few years acting, either as the white Jackie Chan, or a Power Ranger ;)

And I was trying to get him to put his hands down so here is a lovely piture of me :)

Nathan go to go snowboarding for the first time in about 8 years. Corbin thought his gear was totally awesome.

On the way home we stopped by Nathan's brother's home in Colorado. We had such a great time visiting our family. It was a much needed vacation for all of us.
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