We had the chance a week or so ago to see the Beach at Grand Haven. The kids had a great time at the beach. I think Madalyn was a bit tired though because she spent half the time curled up in a towel and lying down. Corbin had great fun hitting the waves. He hasn't ever seen them before.

He went after them "Kung-fu Panda" style by hitting them when they came in. It was hard to get any pictures of him because he was on the move so much but there are a few here, albeit not very good :)

Look at me mom! Aren't I the cutest???

Here is one of our friends who came with us!

Two new friends exploring the beach together!

Poor baby! So cold and tired! It did get kind of chilly at the end.

Just got done whipping those waves into shape and is ready for the next one to come!

My hair was cute and curly when we left for the beach that morning, but the strong winds blew the curls right out! Madalyn is mad at me because she was trying to take a picture but kept putting her finger in the way so I tried to show her how to hold it and she freaked. That's 2 for you!
Oh man, you don't waste anytime getting to know MI :) That looks great- so fun.
I think I'm all caught up on the blog, man I would have read all that before we got together..haha. its really fun to read the blog and hear your voice :) your funny.
oh, um, want to post pics or story about the accident?? we are all socurious now!
I am glad that your last trip was a great!
FUN!!!!! Maddy-pooh is a doll. Albeit a cranky one. :o)
And Corbin cracks me up! I got a visual when you said he went after the waves Kung-Fu Panda style. LOL
P.S. We will TOTALLY make that cake on my blog when I come visit!!! Mmmm... it's sooo good!!
That looks like so much fun. You children are sooo cute!
Oh yipee! How did you find me?! I'm so glad you have a blog. Your kids are so big! I don't know what say. But yea, my Keeley!
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