teal flowers

Saturday, July 25, 2009

My New Hobby ----<--@

I found a new love and hobby!Gardening :) Well maybe I should say that it found me. When we moved into our house we knew there was a garden spot with some strawberry plants. What we didn't know was that it also contained chives and tomatoes! Yay! So I have been trying to love and appreciate them so that they will bring many happy fruits and vegetable my way. We already have some tomatoes growing! And I didn't even have to do anything. I really enjoy digging in the dirt and weeding. Who knew? I certainly didn't. But I am really looking forward to getting some money and planting a few more things like squash and peas, carrots and peppers, and basil. Next year will be my year of the Garden :) I'm so in love with this new hobby.

This is our whole entire garden plot. Not very amazing yet, but it looks a hundred times better than it did before my dad and I pulled all the weeds out!

Look at them! Aren't they amazing???


Shahani Gazmin said...

WOW!!! That made the two of us. I lvoe gardening too! I just love the dirts and all that, love the greens, the smell and there's so much miracles in them!!!
It's certainly a faith builder, I promise!

Jenny Allen said...

Totally awesome!

Trish said...

YEAH gardening!!! Your babies will LOVE having carrots in the garden!! You can see the orange on top stick out when they're ready!!! SO cool. Fun!